Case Studies

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Scene Double is responsible for the system design and specification, installation and configuration of some of the UK’s largest and most complex KVM extension and switching technology projects. Our clients include North Sea survey vessels, state-of-the-art air traffic control systems, defence agencies and the world’s largest broadcasters including BT Sport.

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Alternatively, read a selection from our most recent projects (listed below) and those from other IHSE partners.

High Altitude Airport in China - Supporting Air Traffic Control

A solution to meet the stringent requirements of this new installation, a KVM system was chosen based around IHSE KVM switches to offer sufficient operational redundancy and ensure continuous 24/7 operation. 

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Air Traffic / Airports

Paris Orly Airport Operations Centre | Streamline of Airport Operations.

Orly Airport now required a single control room solution that would integrate three departments in order to streamline the full airport operation and ensure maximum security procedures.

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Air Traffic / Airports

King Abdulaziz International Airport | IHSE KVM system enhances Security and Efficiency in Airport Operations

Looking for a partner to develop a next-generation display server KVM system (DSKVM). IHSE was chosen due to the company‘s extensive experience with similar applications in mission-critical projects. 

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Air Traffic / Airports

Berlin Brandenburg Airport | Relies on IHSE KVM solution for Control Rooms

Solution required to operate various control systems for fire protection, security technology and supervision as well as monitoring of the apron, terminal, baggage handling system, all flight movements and ground movements.

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Air Traffic / Airports

IHSE Draco Tera Flex KVM matrix delivers critical patient data in cardiac catheter operating theatres

The objective was to enhance communication and interaction between operating team members, whilst bulky, noise- and heat-generating computer equipment was to remain outside each theatre.

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Medical / Healthcare

Solution required to operate various control systems for fire protection, security technology and supervision as well as monitoring of the apron, terminal, baggage handling system, all flight movements and ground movements.


Air Traffic / Airports


Draco Tera Compact - KVM Matrix SwitchesDraco Vario - Digital KVM Extenders
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Looking for a partner to develop a next-generation display server KVM system (DSKVM). IHSE was chosen due to the company‘s extensive experience with similar applications in mission-critical projects. 


Air Traffic / Airports


Draco Tera Enterprise - KVM Matrix SwitchesDraco U-Switch - KVM Matrix SwitchesDraco Vario - Digital KVM Extenders
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Orly Airport now required a single control room solution that would integrate three departments in order to streamline the full airport operation and ensure maximum security procedures.


Air Traffic / Airports


Draco Tera Compact - KVM Matrix SwitchesDraco Vario - Digital KVM Extenders
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A solution to meet the stringent requirements of this new installation, a KVM system was chosen based around IHSE KVM switches to offer sufficient operational redundancy and ensure continuous 24/7 operation. 


Air Traffic / Airports


Draco Tera Flex - KVM Matrix SwitchesDraco Vario - Digital KVM Extenders
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The objective was to enhance communication and interaction between operating team members, whilst bulky, noise- and heat-generating computer equipment was to remain outside each theatre.


Medical / Healthcare


Draco Tera Flex - KVM Matrix SwitchesDraco Vario - Digital KVM Extenders
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