Case Studies

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Scene Double is responsible for the system design and specification, installation and configuration of some of the UK’s largest and most complex KVM extension and switching technology projects. Our clients include North Sea survey vessels, state-of-the-art air traffic control systems, defence agencies and the world’s largest broadcasters including BT Sport.

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Alternatively, read a selection from our most recent projects (listed below) and those from other IHSE partners.

Videohouse | New concept OB truck uses Draco Tera Compact KVM matrix switch

The goal was to create an optimum working environment in terms of ergonomic design, as well as operational efficiency; and incorporate maximum flexibility in order to meet the varied requirements of outside broadcast operations.

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Broadcast / Post-Production

Game Creek | IHSE Draco Tera Compact KVM switch gives OB truck new flexibility for replay operations

Game Creek Video wanted to create a lot of working space so all replay operations in the B unit could operate as virtual workstations anywhere there was a workstation available – no matter if it was in the A-unit or B-unit.

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Broadcast / Post-Production

Loudness Films | Noise reduction in editing suites with the Draco Tera Compact KVM Matrix Switch

Loudness Films sought a solution that would optimize the working environment, allowing them to deliver the highest quality output by reducing extraneous noise and maximizing operator efficiency.

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Broadcast / Post-Production

BT Sport | Studios achieve centralized, tapeless workflow with Draco Tera Enterprise KVM matrix switches

BT Sport needed to interconnect hundreds of workstations throughout the building to remotely-located electronic equipment; so that edit suites, galleries and office spaces could operate remotely, where  workstations can connect to any source device.

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Broadcast / Post-Production

France Televisions | Draco Tera Compact helps increase efficiency and communication in studio upgrades

France Televisions identified the need to enhance visual communication between users through the use of mosaic displays on large screens and to redesign workstations, making them more accessible to production staff within the operation.

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Broadcast / Post-Production

The goal was to create an optimum working environment in terms of ergonomic design, as well as operational efficiency; and incorporate maximum flexibility in order to meet the varied requirements of outside broadcast operations.


Broadcast / Post-Production


Draco Compact - Digital KVM ExtendersDraco Tera Compact - KVM Matrix SwitchesDraco Vario - Digital KVM Extenders
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To provide a central IT management suite in an off-site location, that could remotely manage all the independent IT operations for all the hospitals and sites within  the organization.


Medical / Healthcare


Draco Tera Compact - KVM Matrix SwitchesDraco Vario - Digital KVM Extenders
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IHSE Draco tera KVM matrix switch helps Wisconsin hospital provide advanced monitoring for the critical care of children


Medical / Healthcare


Draco Compact - Digital KVM ExtendersDraco Tera Compact - KVM Matrix SwitchesDraco Vario - Digital KVM Extenders
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Gisela Hospital gets to re-use an older ophthalmologic diagnostic sonographic scanner in conjunction with a modern, space and weight-reduced flat-screen monitor.


Medical / Healthcare


Multi-Signal Video Converters - Interface Converters
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For the latest builds, PGS investigated the market and chose to deploy the latest Draco Tera KVM Matrix Switches for the first time.


Maritime / Offshore


Draco Compact - Digital KVM ExtendersDraco Tera Enterprise - KVM Matrix SwitchesDraco Vario - Digital KVM Extenders
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