Video and Interface Converters from IHSE

Interface Converters

You can continue to use your legacy equipment without major re-investment with IHSE’s video and USB interface converters. These allow old and even obsolete equipment to be connected to state-of-the-art KVM systems.

As well as connecting modern digital displays to legacy analogue VGA sources, IHSE's video interface converters bring non-computer video feeds such as CCTV and security cameras to a Draco Tera matrix system through their ability to convert RGB, Component, Composite, SDI and even CGA/EGA video to DVI.

In addition, by using an USB HID converter you can integrate older PS/2 CPUs, keyboards and mice with IHSE's range of modern USB-based KVM solutions. (Please enquire)

  • Multi-Signal Video Converters

    Multi-Signal Video Converters

    • Convert legacy video to DVI
    • Component, RGB, EGA, VGA, SDI
    • Integrated Scaler
    • Modern displays with legacy equipment
    View Product

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