IHSE Draco Tera provides the highest quality DVI video transmission and integrates directly with the Avid S6 control surface
Go beyond KVM with the IHSE Draco Tera Enterprise. This is the perfect high-performance modular routing system for complete in-band signal distribution of HD/UHD video, audio and data.
The Draco Tera Enterprise has been designed specifically for secure mission-critical environments with performance, flexibility and scalability as standard. It is available with CATx or Fibre interfaces supporting up to 576 non-blocking ports and the switches have a universal I/O option enabling 3G-SDI, USB 3.0 and other multi-Gb signals to be transparently routed by the Tera system in conjunction with KVM.
The system enables you to switch SDI amongst playout monitors in edit suites as well as accessing multiple high-speed USB 3.0 measurement interfaces in the lab. Universal I/O normally utilises 3 Gb fibre SFP modules, with coax options also available for SDI.
For all mission-critical installations, Draco Tera switches work perfectly. The multi-level redundancy concept offers the highest level of reliability for round-the-clock operations and in addition, each chassis supports fully redundant power and hot-swappable modules for full service and field upgrades with no interruption to the signal flow.
Each port on the Draco Tera Enterprise must be connected to an IHSE digital KVM extender module. Extenders are available to suit nearly all combinations of common video and data interfaces.
Next : Sonic Magic Studios | Adopts the IHSE Draco Tera KVM Matrix Switch for stages, studios and equipment
BT Sport needed to interconnect hundreds of workstations throughout the building to remotely-located electronic equipment; so that edit suites, galleries and office spaces could operate remotely, where workstations can connect to any source device.
Next : AVID S6 control surface & IHSE Draco Tera KVM Matrix Switch
- A winning combination
To provide most efficient use of the stages, studios and equipment, Sonic Magic has adopted the use of the IHSE Draco Tera KVM switch. This provides a central switch to interconnect any of the systems to any workstation anywhere in the building.
Next : Shapeshifter | Uses Draco Tera Enterprise to manage post-production workflow
Access any digital audio workstation directly from the AVID S6 control surface with the Draco Tera KVM Matrix Switch
Next : Manage EVS production tools with IHSE Draco KVM solutions
Working with OOBAXS to design and deploy a solution using IHSE's Draco Tera Enterprise KVM matrix switch, Shapeshifter Post was the first post-production facility in Hollywood to embrace the high speed technology.
Next : Technicolor | Builds new post production sound facility using Draco Tera KVM Matrix Switch
Instant and unrestricted connection to remote EVS production tools.
- IHSE KVM technology provides essential control, management and operation of EVS tools; making them instantly and flexibly available to operators. From the smallest ENG vehicle to the largest TV stations.
Next : BT Sport | Studios achieve centralized, tapeless workflow with Draco Tera Enterprise KVM matrix switches
Technicolor was introduced to a future offering of an HD DVI Extender solution from IHSE that demonstrated the potential to meet the required need: no noise in the final content, high-definition DVI at 60 fps and an inter-frame switching speed between clients.